Monday, February 27, 2006

Belly Shots!!!

I had tried to upload these the same day I uploaded Jacks new pictures, but for some reason it wouldn't work for me. So here they are!! The last one is Trav's favorite. It's a nice picture......

I look bigger don't I? My pants won't stay up anymore they just slip down and kind of support my belly that's why I look kind of weird shaped LOL
My hair looks really red to but that's because we were out on the beach near sunset. It was cold while we were there so we didn't' stay long. It was nice being out there together though. We can't wait to bring Jack out on his first visit!!! It'll be warmer then......

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Newest Pictures!!

Oops I forgot a belly shot. Oh well next post. The picture of Travis and I was taken at the Beach out on Tybee. Travis took a bunch of nice shots of me and my belly.

All the rest of these are pictures of Jack of course!! You can see how his nose is all round now!! There are also a few shots where you can see he's got his feet up by his face! I bet he's gonna be sooooo cute!! Anyway I wanted to get these up for you all to see, so here you go!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I'm so lucky!!

I usually feel this way after a day like today. Travis and I don't spend too many days off together where we just do things together. He's usually got school or homework and when he's at home I've been at work.

Today, we went out to lunch. Nothing special, right? Plenty of married couples go out to lunch , big deal. Well it was really nice. We had a nice conversation and just enjoyed being with each other.

Then we came home and I fell asleep and he played Chess online.

Days like today really make me feel lucky for having such a great husband. Not because he does special stuff for me, which he does, it's just that he doesn't have to do special things to make me feel this way.

I'm just so lucky!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

SO this is what I get!

So I made this huge stink about not getting hours at work and I felt discriminated against and all that right? Well I still feel like there was something going on with that but I talked to the lady and I have gotten more hours!! Like I said on my last post..Or the one before I forget....


So I think my nesting faze has started. I decimated our bedroom, in an effort to clean and reorganize....Lots of dust in the air....Itchy eyes sneezing watery eyes.....I think it's just allergies, yet today I woke up and started coughing the back of my head off and actually coughed up some green

this tells me "Amanda you have a sinus infection, go see the doctor" She tells me it's a viral infection, one of those ones that lasts forever. For my sake and the baby's sake "you should rest today and tomorrow, so I don't want you to go to work today or tomorrow" well I had come from work so that wasn't much of a problem....

But I don't' feel that bad. It's only a four hour shift.....ARG!!! But I don't want to be sick forever either.....I don't think my manager will be upset about it...I hope not anyway. So I have my excuse from the doctor....ugh the timing is really bad, I like working.

oh well, this is what I get I guess.....

Monday, February 20, 2006

One of the things we learned about on our Tea and Tour, was that the maternity ward has three anesthesiologists. They are there only for the women who may or may not need pain meds. So If I do decide that I'd rather have the help, I'll not have to wait for someone to come from a different part of the hospital or not get it if I wanted it because the only guy there was in surgery at the time LOL.

I think it's going ot be fine though. I have no fear about the pain. I know I've never felt anything like this in my life but I've dealt with my share of pain in the past. I think I'll be able to handle it....But if not I won't have any qualms about getting an epidural or the like.

I think I'll probably try to match that pain to one I've had in my past. I'll catalogue it and refer back the next time I'm in pain LOL. That's really how I get through pain anyway. "Well gee this hurts" I'll think to myself "but that one time I stepped on a rusty nail that was covered in a pile of sawdust was worse" Or "that one time that Hampster bit my finger wasn't as bad as this!"

I think it's my coping mechanism. Of course I'll feel the pain but then my mind will search for other forms LOL and I'll get distracted....

Jack over here is just having a great time. I wonder if he knows what to expect in the next few months. I'm sure being born isn't the most comfortable thing to go through. I'm sure having your head squish is what a lot of people might say a migraine feels like. He's happy now though, causing minor earthquakes in the general vicinity of my naval.

Travis enjoys feeling him kick. I think he can feel it much easier now so he gets excited and laughs whenever Jack kicks and he sees it or feels it. He'll poke back wherever he feels Jack, Jack either stops or kicks again. Jack gets really active when he hears Travis' voice too. He's never been so active with it just being me.

Anyway it's a start to the new week. I'm working three days this week! YEA! Hopefully we'll hear back from one of the companies Travis sent a portfolio out to last week, or Disney. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Update and stuff

Well things are better now. I've been assured that I will soon be getting more hours at work. YEA!!! I found out the other day that I have been accepted into the nursing program at a community college here in Savannah. Finally.

I don't' feel like a drain anymore. Things feel pretty good actually. I did wake up with a headache again and a sore throat....Hope I'm not getting sick. I think it may just be a side effect of pregnancy but I don't know.

Anyway, it's lovely here in Savannah today. It's a balmy 60 something degrees right now and it's supposed to get up into the 70s! I'm wearing a dress that I got a couple years before I got pregnant LOL it's a linen dress that isn't meant to be worn by pregnant women yet here I am. It fits and it's comfortable and it looks ok to me so that's all that matters. I'm sitting in my apartment eating my bagel and cream cheese and sipping on my hot Chai tea, the kitties are out on the balcony enjoying the weather as well...I assume Harriet is in the bedroom soaking up the cave like atmosphere we have going on in there...

Jack was quite active this morning when I woke up to say goodbye to Travis when he left for work. I fell back to sleep shortly after but he continued his activities. When I finally woke up for the day he was still moving about. He's still now, probably wore himself out doing the cha-cha.

I plan on going into work and purchasing a pre and post natal yoga DVD to start on my way to a fit and tone pregnancy LOL really I"m just getting it so I don't get too fat LOL and I hear it's supposed to help with Labor.

I"m not afraid of what's to come, I know it's going to hurt but I think I'll get thru it. How many women have done it in the past? I mean come on! I know I can do it. I had a dream that the doctors were still getting their gowns on when I birthed my own babe. I was elated and a little pissed that the doctors hadn't done anything. We'll see how it goes LOL it's going to be great in any case!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What a day!

It was chilly here yesterday. I woke up with a headache again!!! Travis and I had decided to go out to lunch for Valentines as I had to work and he had class that evening. We went to Juarez and it was great! Nice and leisurely (mmmm leisurely.....I mean yum Mexican!) Then we came home for a bit checked movie times and Travis took a nap. I went down and visited with my friend Evie and she gave me her bassinet which her baby has outgrown.

Travis and I went to see "Good night, and Good luck." We really enjoyed it. It wasn't what we had expected either. A movie about the McCarthy trials you would think would be very dramatic but they way it was directed it seemed very light. It was like the camera was just there watching it all happen. It had funny parts and one sad part (no I didn't' cry) but all in all it was a good movie I suggest it to anyone interested.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Debbie Downer eat your heart out!

I'm feeling like a drain today, a large gaping hole that sucks stuff down it.

Seeing Travis will cheer me up though. I had thought that I wouldn't be seeing much of him today, what with work and school. But he gets off at 12 so we'll go have a valentines lunch together. Mmmm Mexican!!!

Still as happy as I was the other day, I feel sad today. I wish I was working more so that I wouldn't be depending on others so much for stuff. I talked to my dad yesterday and we talked about the stuff that goes on in life such as having no money from time to time. I know it'll get better, it's just hard in the here and now.

I went to see my friend Evie yesterday and her mom told me I could have Elizabeths' (evie's daughter) Bassinet. I hadn't registered for one thinking the pack n play and crib would be all I need. But if we end up staying in the one bedroom apartment it looks like we won't have room for the crib :(
Oh woe is me, I hear the violin playing its melancholy tune in the back ground....LOL I feel better having typed this out LOL at least till I see the total in my bank account again.

I guess something will come up later that will show how much of a good thing not working will have been. Perhaps Jack will have some kind of rarely seen kink in his umbilical cord and if I had spent more time working it would have caused problems. I'm not hoping that on myself or my child...Just trying to think of a silver lining....

So I'll go skipping on my way now. Merrily awaiting my true love to get home from work.....Sigh

Monday, February 13, 2006

Blahblahblah....Yackety Shmackety

Today I bought the prettiest dress, I plan on wearing it to Jessica's Bridal Tea and my baby shower and to two weddings that are taking place this summer. I got it from Motherhood maternity, it's funny how buying something like a dress can make you happy.

Things are still lean, but I'm really very happy. There are so many possibilities out there for us... LOL Am I sickeningly optimistic? I feel like I'm a bit cheesy (mmmm cheese) I prefer feeling this way as opposed to being down in the dumps. Not quite so achy...

Nothing much to report on though, it's less than a month till everyone is here for the Tea/Shower. I'm so excited about seeing people it doesn't much matter why they are here, though it'll be fun opening presents. heehee

I'm bad.

Still haven't been able to get the blasted scanner to work, so still no new pictures of Jack. One things for sure, he's going to be one cute kid!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

On the Jack front

Yesterday my friend Lisa, her little boy Travis and I went to a baby store here in Savannah. We had visited to the store previously but it had recently changed location so we went to check out the new digs. Since Lisa is expecting her second and of course Jack has yet to present his sweet face to the oxygen environment, we thought maybe we'd check out what they had in the form of nursery furniture.

As it turns out they were having a huge sale and I found the coolest Dresser/hutch/changing station combo that was regularly $698 was on sale for $299!!! Course I don't have any money to get it but still that's a great buy!
We finally got our taxes back so I'm going to see if I can drag Travis to see this place today after he gets off from work. Keep your fingers crossed that he'll want to check it out!

Jack's seemly never ending Mexican Hat Dance routine ended. He got cozy in the lowest smallest part of my insides and wedged himself in good. I was really uncomfortable for a few hours last night but he's budged since I woke up and have been typing. I think he's still sleeping though.

I can't wait till he's here. Our last ultrasound showed us a silhouette of his sweet little nose. I can't wait to poke it!!! (weird inside joke with certain people, I like poking the ends of noses to feel the cartilage YES I'M WEIRD)

So hanging out with Lisa and Travis gives me a good idea of what I can look forward to. I'm so in love with Lil Trav, almost nothing he does bothers me....He has thrown two tantrums in my presence lately...Don't like that too much but I think I can handle them a bit differently too when it's Jacks turn to try it, not knocking Lisa's technique, we all do things differently.

Anyway, I'm hungry, time for food!!!!!

Here we rant again!

I work for a national chain book store we'll call Blockhead & Nerdball. I've worked there for almost 4 years, I used to really enjoy it. Got along with all my coworkers and the management was just as friendly. Everyone got along with everyone. Things weren't perfect, we had one manager, who was not with it like the rest of the workforce. He was a nice guy but due to circumstances, none of us were aware of, this manager went a little nuts. He'd yell at underlings for no reason, he made inappropriate comments to and about other underlings. It didn't really matter though, there was another manager who was awesome, he pretty much did his job and the job of the crazy manager.

Within the last year management has changed. We had hoped for the better. After the new manager came in there were lots of changes. Lots of people left when they heard who was coming to take over, they had worked with the person before and knew in no uncertain terms they did NOT want to work with her again.

Those people who thought they'd give her a chance didn't last much longer either. That one great awesome manager stayed a while but didn't agree with a lot of the changes the other manager wanted to make or thought needed to be made. He was honest and open in telling her things would not work and such. He was accused of stealing a certain sum of money, this person is well off and works only to keep sane. He decided he didn't need to put up with it and left.

Lots of other good people left due to harassment and discrimination. One man, who did not get along with the new manager, was put on leave (put on leave he didn't' request it) because he is also on the Board of Education; about six months ago there was Hue and Cry over changes that needed to be made there. Of course the Board of Education has nothing what so ever to do with what goes on at Blowhard & Nobhead. However, when that all blew over the man went back and requested his hours back. He has never gotten hours, he's gotten a new job at a different retail store and worked to get his realtors license. He's never been fired, is still on pay roll and recently received a check for holiday pay. This new manager was also heard by a room full of people and another manager while going thru applications, saying "Let's not go there" when reviewing an application left by a mentally disabled person. Most people were so shocked they weren't sure they heard it, most of those people didn't report it because of all the other people who had been forced out of their jobs by disagreeing with Her.

I've always been open in sharing my feelings about wanting to have a baby and be a nurse. I'll unabashedly discuss these feelings with friends and family because both are so important to me. I've discussed my feelings at work while on break (my free time and legal right) with another coworker who was pregnant and those who asked if Travis and I were planning on having kids. I feel my job in retail is a means to an end, to me it's just a job. Being a nurse is a career, a calling. Being a mother, another calling. I was born to do these things. They are both loving caring occupations and not the easiest jobs to do. I respect all moms and nurses....And nurses who are mothers. These jobs are thankless difficult jobs, jobs of sacrifice and again love.

Course people who work in Retail their entire lives have good jobs, and what would we do with out them? It is also thankless. But I don't find it to be very fulfilling, for me. I was discussing my plans for my own education and my and Travis' plans for having a baby one day, with my friend Evie. Our new manager had been making snide comments and suggesting Evie take time off because of her pregnancy. I suggested Evie complain to the "We Listen" (more accurately We'll Listen, but won't do anything") complaint line. Unbeknownst to either of us, the new manager over heard our conversation. She repeated it to me later in a conference with She and our district manager.

I did this because we worked with another friend who had a hard time with the company during and after she was pregnant, she was also accused of stealing by the management and she got so upset, quit (which had been their plan all along.) She had been subjected to snide comments about how mothers aren't organized and scatterbrained and..If you can imagine it it was said. She had complained to the "we'll listen but won't do anything" line.

Evie worked almost right up till she had her baby, she had a rough time the last few months. Once she was better, she came back to Blotface & Necrosuck to request her hours be reinstated. Her husband was over in Iraq and she needed to work to help provide for her new baby. Her hours were never reinstated. She quit and found a new job.

Both of these mothers never documented these grievances against them. Booger & Needleneck claims to be a family friendly employer and these women expected equal treatment, not discrimination and were thusly surprised and confused by their treatment.

Being the third pregnant person to deal with the Management, I've taken strides to document as much as I can. Many times I've requested copies of schedules going back to August but have not received them. Admittedly, I have decided to cut back on my own hours due to the facts that I was recovering from a back injury I sustained while on the clock at Brainless & Nitwit and I had a rough first trimester. Also due to a lack of hours I went out and found a second job. I have not been working at this second job because they have yet to put me back on their schedule after I took vacation over Christmas. I will be quitting that job shortly. I have since then requested more hours at Blockhead & Nerdball.

I have yet to receive them.

I did complain to the "We'll Listen, but wont' do anything" line and of course living up to it's name, nothing came of it. I was told my regional manager would look into my allegations, she called me back and told me she could find no proof I was being discriminated against but to let her know if things continued in this vein. I said that's fine, but when I feel capable of working more hours (first trimester problems lasted a while) I hoped there wouldn't be a problem getting them. Regional Manager assured me it shouldn't be a problem. :/

Last night I was told that someone over heard my Store manager saying to another person, shortly after I had revealed I was pregnant, that she was going to cut my hours in hopes that I'd quit. For no other reason than I was pregnant. She started making snide comments to me and with in ear shot of me. I knew what was coming.

One day in my fourth month I went to work feeling great! Finally I was thinking this damned morning sickness was ending!! I had eaten and kept it down... I felt full of energy, I was actually looking forward to work! I clocked in and started helping customers. My manager was standing at the end on my counter doing whatever she was doing, I started helping my third customer and started feeling a little off. Two seconds later I was marveling at my vision change, then at the buzzing in my ears. I realized I was about to pass out and yelled for someone to come take over the sale.

I went to sit down and my manager came running over and yelling, for someone to come help. It's a little scary feeling all the effects of passing out. Atleast I knew what was happening so I wasn't too worried and I had sat down so I would get hurt falling. Apparently my appearance had change as well, my Cafe manager commented that I looked like I had seen a ghost, I guess I was pale. I was moved to the breakroom where I was plied with cool damp towels and a cup of water, my Store manager called Travis and he came to pick me up.

Since then the snide comment have halted. I still can't seem to get hours though.

Rest assured feminist friends and family, I am doing all I can to make things right at my place of employ. I will not leave except on my own conditions, I will not be forced out by allegations of wrong doing. Nor will I leave due to the lack of hours, I will work the hours I'm given and do the best I can to help customers get their drinks and snacks in a timely fashion. I will be courteous and friendly with customers and coworkers....I'll do what I've been doing all along.

Do you all think I'm nuts? Let me know what you think about this. What do you think I should do?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Moods and Jalopenos

My mood is much improved. I was in a weird mood the past couple of days. Certain people have been a bit down in the dumps, it's hard to remain happy when those close to you are bummed. One can only do so much when another is in a funk, and I know they get down when they can't cheer me up too.

Anyway, things are better now. You've got to have down times to have up times, hopefully since we are kinda in a deep down time we'll have a super awesome up time coming up with a Job and a safe easy birth ;)

As for Jalopenos, I love them!! Fried with cream cheese OH YEA! They are awesome. Ever since I ate them this afternoon Jack has been doing the Mexican hat dance!! He'd starting the squirming in my belly thing I can see him moving but not too much yet LOL I can see his kicks. One of these days I'll see him doing his somersaults a la Alien style LOL

Sorry about not getting the most recent of Jack pictures up for your viewing pleasure, our scanner has a gremlin that loves annoying Travis to the point of yelling and swearing at the scanner. It's actually quite funny to witness, I think my giggling makes the annoyance more tolerable, I hope so anyway.

As soon as the nasty gremlin allows we'll post the newer fleshier pics of Jack for all to see and marvel at! Keep your fingers crossed!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Tea and Tour

Well we are back, the Tea and Tour was informative but not quite what I had expected, there were other dads there so Travis wasn't the only guy, but all the other mothers were due in march, they were all surprised when I told them I was due in June, they all thought I was bigger than that LOL

Tea consisted of bottled water and a tray of yummy cookies, which was raided by one of the other mothers who grabbed handfuls like she hadn't eaten in a few days., she didn't look like it though. Travis was lucky to get one cookie for each of us, but they were good!

There was a slide show but unfortunately you couldn't see the picture because the sun was too bright, even with the blinds drawn. The tour was nice, we got to see the different areas we may be in at different times of antenatal care. So we'll know what to expect when we go in.

There's all sorts of other information we got that we weren't expecting though. We'll go in the emergency entrance when it's time to go, but visitors have to go in a different entrance and go up different elevators....We'll get it straight though for whoever wants to come visit.

We can have three people in the room for the delivery but that's subject to change if I have problems or something. The room is quite large though so it shouldn't be a problem, I don't foresee any problems....

Anyway it'll be great! The nurses all seemed very friendly and it seems nice and open. So that's it....Now we are going to watch football!!

Stray cats, Tours and stuff

Travis and I awoke this morning a few good many times. One time fore sure we know what got us both up. It was a kid (we thought) crying for his mom. Turns out it was cat, a stalky black kitty who's been in a few fights and has a terrible case of kitty conjunctivits in both eyes, least that's what it looks like.

Not sure if he's Kin to my Scamper, seems like he may be. He's small and got those round cheeks, and sweet as can be!! I have not touched him before today, and I washed my hands right after.....He needed it though. He loved it too. I took him some food and then used it as leverage to bring him away from the street, he followed me eagerly, meowing the whole way.

I set the food down and he began to eat happily, and I took that opportunity to get a closer look at him. He has a bunch of scars on his head from fights and a great gash across one ear. The gash looks better now then when I first saw it so that's good. His eyes on the other hand looked the same if not worse. I don't remember his third eyelid being half closed when I saw him before.

My plan for him is to take him to the humane society and get him fixed up. Hopefully he doesn't have feline Leukemia or kitty AIDS....Nothing to do about it anyway. I can't take him in I just want to get him of the "streets" and into a good loving home. I think he'd make a great pet.

Anyway he woke us up this morning meandering thru our complex wailing at the top of his voice, which oddly sounds like a little kid. I tried to call him from our upstairs window but he ran away. We went back to bed, and I started crying because I couldn't help him lol. Travis told me we'd take him food when we left for breakfast this morning....That made me feel a little better.

We got up about and hour and a half later and got ready to go. I took Harriet out for her morning stroll and there he was, sitting way down the street yeowling so morosely. Harriet and I went back inside and I grabbed food in a disposal container for him. I saw a little black cat with no tail ont eh way up to get the food, he was for sure Scamps litter mate, no doubt! Same size same green eyes.

So I took the food to the grizzled old black cat, he was more friendly and ran towards me when I called him. The little one ran away.

Ok so then Tom (the older grizzled kitty) ate his fill then walked away meowing loudly again. Next time I see him I'll catch him and take him to the Humane society.

Later today Travis and I are going to the hospital for a "Tea and Tour" of the maternity ward we will be welcoming our Jack in in May/June. I think it's kind of a neat idea giving parents the chance to see where they will be and what the facilities are like, reduces stress and all that. Plus I think we'll be bale to meet people who are about as far along, if not more so, than we are. People who may be in our childbirth class. And that's cool, because then we may make some new friends.

On to stuff.....Jessica, Lisa and I all went to find dresses for Lisa and I to wear to Jessica's wedding. The first place we went to was close, which was a bummer but oh well I heard those ladys were snooty. The second place we went was super busy, but we found what we were looking for!!!
We decided on separates, I tried on the skirt and top and it looked great. Or will after it gets altered ;) I have to pull the skirt up to just about under my boobs for it to encompass my belly, I ordered one size up since I know I"ll be bigger in a couple months. Lisa will be doing the same although we're not sure to what extent since she didn't' show with her first.

Monday is our next Doctors visit and we should be getting new pictures of Jack. Its also our first visit with my new OBGYN. Dr Micheal J Jackson.

no joke.

But I've heard great things about him, so it should be great. Mostly I'm looking forward to seeing Jack on screen again. Lately I've been waking up in the middle of the night on my back and having irrational thoughts of his being harmed by my bad sleeping position. I'm sure he fine though, the other day he kept me quite entertained doing somersaults I could see, like some scene out of Alien, Aliens or the like.

He's been quite today though. He'll perk up later. Perhaps he's a bit sad like me because of Tom and my inability to help him today (nothing is open to take him) I think he'll be quite an empathic baby...Most are though aren't they?

Oh well that's it for now, I'll post more later!