Tuesday, February 21, 2006

SO this is what I get!

So I made this huge stink about not getting hours at work and I felt discriminated against and all that right? Well I still feel like there was something going on with that but I talked to the lady and I have gotten more hours!! Like I said on my last post..Or the one before I forget....


So I think my nesting faze has started. I decimated our bedroom, in an effort to clean and reorganize....Lots of dust in the air....Itchy eyes sneezing watery eyes.....I think it's just allergies, yet today I woke up and started coughing the back of my head off and actually coughed up some green

this tells me "Amanda you have a sinus infection, go see the doctor" She tells me it's a viral infection, one of those ones that lasts forever. For my sake and the baby's sake "you should rest today and tomorrow, so I don't want you to go to work today or tomorrow" well I had come from work so that wasn't much of a problem....

But I don't' feel that bad. It's only a four hour shift.....ARG!!! But I don't want to be sick forever either.....I don't think my manager will be upset about it...I hope not anyway. So I have my excuse from the doctor....ugh the timing is really bad, I like working.

oh well, this is what I get I guess.....


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