Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Moods and Jalopenos

My mood is much improved. I was in a weird mood the past couple of days. Certain people have been a bit down in the dumps, it's hard to remain happy when those close to you are bummed. One can only do so much when another is in a funk, and I know they get down when they can't cheer me up too.

Anyway, things are better now. You've got to have down times to have up times, hopefully since we are kinda in a deep down time we'll have a super awesome up time coming up with a Job and a safe easy birth ;)

As for Jalopenos, I love them!! Fried with cream cheese OH YEA! They are awesome. Ever since I ate them this afternoon Jack has been doing the Mexican hat dance!! He'd starting the squirming in my belly thing I can see him moving but not too much yet LOL I can see his kicks. One of these days I'll see him doing his somersaults a la Alien style LOL

Sorry about not getting the most recent of Jack pictures up for your viewing pleasure, our scanner has a gremlin that loves annoying Travis to the point of yelling and swearing at the scanner. It's actually quite funny to witness, I think my giggling makes the annoyance more tolerable, I hope so anyway.

As soon as the nasty gremlin allows we'll post the newer fleshier pics of Jack for all to see and marvel at! Keep your fingers crossed!!


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