Monday, February 20, 2006

One of the things we learned about on our Tea and Tour, was that the maternity ward has three anesthesiologists. They are there only for the women who may or may not need pain meds. So If I do decide that I'd rather have the help, I'll not have to wait for someone to come from a different part of the hospital or not get it if I wanted it because the only guy there was in surgery at the time LOL.

I think it's going ot be fine though. I have no fear about the pain. I know I've never felt anything like this in my life but I've dealt with my share of pain in the past. I think I'll be able to handle it....But if not I won't have any qualms about getting an epidural or the like.

I think I'll probably try to match that pain to one I've had in my past. I'll catalogue it and refer back the next time I'm in pain LOL. That's really how I get through pain anyway. "Well gee this hurts" I'll think to myself "but that one time I stepped on a rusty nail that was covered in a pile of sawdust was worse" Or "that one time that Hampster bit my finger wasn't as bad as this!"

I think it's my coping mechanism. Of course I'll feel the pain but then my mind will search for other forms LOL and I'll get distracted....

Jack over here is just having a great time. I wonder if he knows what to expect in the next few months. I'm sure being born isn't the most comfortable thing to go through. I'm sure having your head squish is what a lot of people might say a migraine feels like. He's happy now though, causing minor earthquakes in the general vicinity of my naval.

Travis enjoys feeling him kick. I think he can feel it much easier now so he gets excited and laughs whenever Jack kicks and he sees it or feels it. He'll poke back wherever he feels Jack, Jack either stops or kicks again. Jack gets really active when he hears Travis' voice too. He's never been so active with it just being me.

Anyway it's a start to the new week. I'm working three days this week! YEA! Hopefully we'll hear back from one of the companies Travis sent a portfolio out to last week, or Disney. Keep your fingers crossed!!!


At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda, Mike's sister-in-law upon entering the labor room, to have her second child, told the staff that her name was, "Kelly Demerol Epidural Morrow" because she had enjoyed the ride so much with her first.

The pain lasts for just so long, and is gone and forgotten as soon as that precious bundle is in your arms. Women have been having babies since time began. You can do it, too!

Aunt Janet

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Manda said...

Thanks Aunt Janet, I think I can too!! but it's always nice to have people behind you and encouraging you!!! I really can't wait! Plus having the moms (both Mine and Travs) and Travis in the room I think will help lots also. Mom has always been able to help me through when I've been in pain and with our history of her using hypnosis, with me really helps too.

I just can't wait!!


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