Debbie Downer eat your heart out!
I'm feeling like a drain today, a large gaping hole that sucks stuff down it.
Seeing Travis will cheer me up though. I had thought that I wouldn't be seeing much of him today, what with work and school. But he gets off at 12 so we'll go have a valentines lunch together. Mmmm Mexican!!!
Still as happy as I was the other day, I feel sad today. I wish I was working more so that I wouldn't be depending on others so much for stuff. I talked to my dad yesterday and we talked about the stuff that goes on in life such as having no money from time to time. I know it'll get better, it's just hard in the here and now.
I went to see my friend Evie yesterday and her mom told me I could have Elizabeths' (evie's daughter) Bassinet. I hadn't registered for one thinking the pack n play and crib would be all I need. But if we end up staying in the one bedroom apartment it looks like we won't have room for the crib :(
Oh woe is me, I hear the violin playing its melancholy tune in the back ground....LOL I feel better having typed this out LOL at least till I see the total in my bank account again.
I guess something will come up later that will show how much of a good thing not working will have been. Perhaps Jack will have some kind of rarely seen kink in his umbilical cord and if I had spent more time working it would have caused problems. I'm not hoping that on myself or my child...Just trying to think of a silver lining....
So I'll go skipping on my way now. Merrily awaiting my true love to get home from work.....Sigh
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