Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Saw the Doctor today...

Things are going good!! They got my CBC back and everything came back normal. One thing I thought was odd seeing as how I've spent my entire life around cats....I don't have an immunity to toxoplasmosis. Not that I've been cleaning the cat box since I've been pregnant I just assumed since I've been exposed to cats that I would have over the years developed one.


The doctor said that as our next visit we'd have our next ultrasound. She informed us that if we wanted or didn't want to know the sex of our baby we'd have to inform them of our choice beforehand.

So commenceth the attempts to get us to do what you want us to do in that case ; ) ;) We won't be telling anyone of our choice unless we decide to tell

One thing I asked the doctor about at this last visit, even though I haven't been too concerned about it, was my almost fainting spells.
Three times in the last month I've felt very faint, once so faint I had to go home for the rest of the night. I'd get incredibly hot and sweaty then my vision would go all blurry and then I'd feel that weird spinning feeling.
She said that it was all due to Blood pressure changes and hormonal surges.

She said it's very normal for someone as small as me, to have problems adapting to the pressure changes. Thus feeling faint. Also the hormonal surges would cause the feeling of over heating (so now I know what it's like to have a hot flash...kinda sorta) She said that that alone could bring on a fainting spell. She said not to worry that it was normal and that I had been going about taking care of it the right way.

That is sitting down and drinking some juice and snacking. And resting for about 15 to 20 minutes. Rest assured everyone that it it normal and the baby and I are doing great!! Now all I have to do is convince everyone I work with that it's normal and I'm ok.

At this visit they gave us a free diaper bag filled with some pretty neat stuff.
It has samples of baby formula and coupons for stuff and some free issues of baby magazines. Also working in conjuction with St.joseph/Candler Hospital, they gave of a free what to expect/pregnancy journal thingy. It's not What to expect when you expecting it's soley form the doctors office and hospital. It's pretty cool.

Anyway that's all for now, will post pictures from Thanksgiving tomorrow before work. Sorry I didn't get them up sooner mom!!

Oh and paige don't feel bad about Sylvie falling on the floor...It's like I always say " If you don't give the kid a chance to fall off the sofa and conk their head, what kind of childhood are they going to have?" or some variation of that. Don't feel bad.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy news!!!!

My sister in law Jessica, just got engaged to our friend Matt Coleman. I haven't seen or talked to them since the happy day which was a couple days ago....But we are supposed to eat dinner over at her place tonight. Travis and I are soooooo happy for them!!! They make a beautiful couple and are very happy together.

For those family members who haven't heard yet and are finding out from this blog, don't' worry we heard it from Dad.

Travis and I can't wait to hear the details about how he proposed.

On our baby front...We see the doctor tomorrow, Hopefully we'll have another ultrasound and have more pictures to share!!!!

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! It was wonderful having my parents here....I missed them as soon as we left them at the airport. Anyway, things are back to normal now. Back to the grindstone and all that.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Is it over? Really????

It seems the mantra has worked. I have been able to eat AND keep down everything I've eaten the past three days!! Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't just the healing presence of my parents that's keeping me from getting sick ; )

Thus ends the puking faze....So begineth the eating and fattening faze, the gasy faze, if I'm like my sister the Heartburn faze.. I kinda hope I don't have to go through that but if I must I must.

Anyway the vomiting part is over DING DONG and so on

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm done with this morning sickness

Finished. caput. No longer needed.

I was sick as a dog yesterday, a dog that has bad morning sickness. Really I blame most of the upheaval to my prenatal vitamin. It contains Omega3 oils, which I think is cool. I've tried to get as many omega3s as I can or at least I did before I was pregnant...They are so good for you!!!

As it turns out though, in prenatal vitamin form, when one throws up before the pill has digested completely their vomit, breath, mouth tissue and pretty much everything else smells and tastes like raw fish. Now that wouldn't be such a big deal if I liked sushi...But I don't, never have, don't know if I ever will.

Sorry if that's a little TMI but really I had a bad day yesterday. I was sent home from work because I was throwing up so much. All the girls at work were telling me that since I was so sick I would be having a really cute baby, also I would be having a girl, cause when they were pregnant with their daughters they were way more sick then they were with their sons.

Either way Travis has decreed that this child once born, whatever it is it's grounded for making me so sick. We'll see if he can stick to that punishment, if I'm having a cute baby girl I don't think he'll have much power seeing as how she'll have him wrapped around her little-EST of fingers.

So My mother and I came up with a mantra: I am done with the morning sickness, I no longer need it.

I said this to myself when I went to bed last night over and over till I fell asleep. I AM done with it. I'm tired of being sick, and I'm totally ready for the glowing, energy filled, constantly needing to pee, having an appetite and gaining weight part of the pregnancy. I'm really ready for the eating. I'm not going to go crazy...I don't want to gain more than 25 pounds.

I here snickering and stifled laughs every time I think that but really I think I can do it....snicker, snicker....hee, hee.

ah shaddup ya nay sayers!!

I'm done with the morning sickness, I no longer need it.
I'm done with the morning sickness, I no longer need it.
et cetera et cetera and so forth.

Update on the friend business

Things have cooled down considerably. I broke down and went over to her house to hash things out because she called and asked me to come over she didn't get her husband to call and ask me. Not sure if I got my point across, but things are better now. My trust is shaken and I think it's going to be a while before things get back to where they were, if they ever do.

She apologized and I apologized again, and we hugged and made up. So there's that. One thing this has done for me though, is that it's really made me appreciate my friends even more.

Thanks you guys for being such great friends!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Big toe woes

My big toe hurts. Not like a hang nail, it feels like I have to pop it, but if I do that doesn't stop it hurting. It's the big joint of my big toe on my left foot. Please send my big toe healing energy. I've joked that it's gout, but I can't remember the last time I ate red meat. I've joked that my toe is broken but secretly I'm afraid that since I keep throwing up the milk I'm drinking that my blob isn't getting enough calcium and has been taking it from my toe...and it is in fact broken.

it hurts. I'm tired. can't concentrate. muscles tense and sore. UGH!

But the blob is worth it....Travis claims to ground the baby when it's born for making me sick all the time. Then he looks at my belly and says " I can't stay mad at you!!"

ugh, I'll feel better soon, I know I will.....
ugh for now,

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Let me preface this first. I have a friend, a very close friend, almost a sister...Who went with me a couple of weeks ago to get some blood drawn for my pregnancy labs. She went with me because I wasn't sure how much blood they'd take, and I had been feeling pretty light headed already, and I wasn't sure if it would be safe for me to drive myself.

She's a good friend and of course she went with me. Afterward I was feeling pretty sick and light headed, so she took me to get something to eat (which I paid for since she was so nice in driving me around and taking care of me.) Then we went back to her house and ate and talked for a while. I was pretty tired but after eating felt confident that I could drive myself home, before I left I told her thank you again for going with me and I'd call her the next day and maybe we could do something...After my Chiropractors appointment I almost forgot about it.

Well I went to my Chiro appointment and after my adjustment I felt really tired, like the adjustment had released all the stress I had been holding in and once it was out I was just exhausted. Then I made my way home. On the way I would drive past my place of work. Since I've been having problems with a manager there I wanted to talk to my direct manager and let her know what was going on, just a quick stop off then back home. She had a lot to say, some of which I didn't really trust, which furthered my feeling of tiredness.

I got home around 11:30 and called an old manager who doesn't work for the company anymore but who's opinion I greatly value, and left him a message to please call me when he got the chance. Then I called the complaint line for our company and made my complaint.

After that I was completely out of it, I wanted nothing to do but sleep, I was incapable of doing anything but sleep. So I slept. I slept until about 4 pm. When I woke up I didn't remember what day it was and I didn't even know what time it was, then the phone rang. It was my old manager calling me with his advice. Shortly after hanging up with him my friend called. She said : "You were supposed to call me today" I said "OH I comp" then she interrupted me saying "I don't know why you think it's ok to be mean to me, I'm tired of it and I don't' think I want to talk to you anymore."


What I was going to say was Oh I completely forgot I'm sooooo sorry!!! Which I was, I felt terrible. But I've never been mean to her, so I don't know what exactly she's tired of. I thought at first it was a joke and that she'd call right back laughing and say she was pregnant (she's been wanting to get pregnant) but nothing happened. Well I called back later and her husband also a friend of mine answered the phone. I told him that I was sorry and that would she take the phone for me to say it and he said she wouldn't. I explained that I was really tired and my mind was on problems at work and that I had forgotten and felt really terrible about it, he said he didn't want to get in the middle of it.

So I called again the next day and left a message on their machine. No one called back no one answered. I called again frustrated that such a close friend, someone who considers me like a sister, would throw our friendship away so easily, and not give me a chance to apologize or even explain.

After all I've done to try to get her to talk to me and she's made no effort to, I figured today I'd try again. I called her husband, to see how he's doing and he told me he's talked to her about it and her mother (who was recently in town) talked to her (told her she was being harsh.) He thinks I should go over to their house and talk to her, she may not talk back but she'll listen he tells me.

So my question is Should I go over there or not? I mean I don't need this kind of stress in my condition. Why doesn't she understand that I'm human and I might make mistakes sometimes?

Am I wrong for feeling the way I do about this? I mean it came out of no where. I feel completely blindsided, hurt, disappointed, and used. I'm a little emotional, and I was cleaning so this is all just pouring out of me...
I'm sorry I wanted to keep this blog light but I'd really like to get other peoples opinion of what I should do.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The state of things

Things are going well on the home front. We are very happy...Lately there has been a little drama at work but hopefully that won't be lasting much longer. Even though the drama concerns me more that Travis he's still very interested in how things are going because well....I'm his wife and I'm pregnant with his child....And he loves me of course. He's such a good guy!!!

Besides that, Travis has been doing very well in school. He was just awarded a signed print of one of Paul Hudsons. Signed by Paul Hudson and Buzz Aldren!!!! Paul Hudson is a famous painter (he used to work for NASA) and Travis' teacher in a concept design class. I should probably get him to post a post about this since I don't' know enough about it....I'm just so proud of him and how hard he works!!!!

It's a beautiful print, almost photographic to my untrained eyes. Maybe we can take a picture of it and post it too.

Oh yeah they also gave Travis this neat handheld thingamajig that when you push the little button the top spins around and the little lights light up!!!It's really cool too!!

Yea yea, I know I'm easily amused.

I've been craving nothing but gatorade, Lemonlime flavor for those who want to know. I feel lemonlime is the original of gatorade, I think it's really orange but to me...It's the lemonlime.

lemonlime all the way!!!!!!!