Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Saw the Doctor today...

Things are going good!! They got my CBC back and everything came back normal. One thing I thought was odd seeing as how I've spent my entire life around cats....I don't have an immunity to toxoplasmosis. Not that I've been cleaning the cat box since I've been pregnant I just assumed since I've been exposed to cats that I would have over the years developed one.


The doctor said that as our next visit we'd have our next ultrasound. She informed us that if we wanted or didn't want to know the sex of our baby we'd have to inform them of our choice beforehand.

So commenceth the attempts to get us to do what you want us to do in that case ; ) ;) We won't be telling anyone of our choice unless we decide to tell

One thing I asked the doctor about at this last visit, even though I haven't been too concerned about it, was my almost fainting spells.
Three times in the last month I've felt very faint, once so faint I had to go home for the rest of the night. I'd get incredibly hot and sweaty then my vision would go all blurry and then I'd feel that weird spinning feeling.
She said that it was all due to Blood pressure changes and hormonal surges.

She said it's very normal for someone as small as me, to have problems adapting to the pressure changes. Thus feeling faint. Also the hormonal surges would cause the feeling of over heating (so now I know what it's like to have a hot flash...kinda sorta) She said that that alone could bring on a fainting spell. She said not to worry that it was normal and that I had been going about taking care of it the right way.

That is sitting down and drinking some juice and snacking. And resting for about 15 to 20 minutes. Rest assured everyone that it it normal and the baby and I are doing great!! Now all I have to do is convince everyone I work with that it's normal and I'm ok.

At this visit they gave us a free diaper bag filled with some pretty neat stuff.
It has samples of baby formula and coupons for stuff and some free issues of baby magazines. Also working in conjuction with St.joseph/Candler Hospital, they gave of a free what to expect/pregnancy journal thingy. It's not What to expect when you expecting it's soley form the doctors office and hospital. It's pretty cool.

Anyway that's all for now, will post pictures from Thanksgiving tomorrow before work. Sorry I didn't get them up sooner mom!!

Oh and paige don't feel bad about Sylvie falling on the floor...It's like I always say " If you don't give the kid a chance to fall off the sofa and conk their head, what kind of childhood are they going to have?" or some variation of that. Don't feel bad.


At 12:25 PM, Blogger soothedbyrainfall said...

I had some dizzy/almost fainting spells in the very beginning too Manda.


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