Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm done with this morning sickness

Finished. caput. No longer needed.

I was sick as a dog yesterday, a dog that has bad morning sickness. Really I blame most of the upheaval to my prenatal vitamin. It contains Omega3 oils, which I think is cool. I've tried to get as many omega3s as I can or at least I did before I was pregnant...They are so good for you!!!

As it turns out though, in prenatal vitamin form, when one throws up before the pill has digested completely their vomit, breath, mouth tissue and pretty much everything else smells and tastes like raw fish. Now that wouldn't be such a big deal if I liked sushi...But I don't, never have, don't know if I ever will.

Sorry if that's a little TMI but really I had a bad day yesterday. I was sent home from work because I was throwing up so much. All the girls at work were telling me that since I was so sick I would be having a really cute baby, also I would be having a girl, cause when they were pregnant with their daughters they were way more sick then they were with their sons.

Either way Travis has decreed that this child once born, whatever it is it's grounded for making me so sick. We'll see if he can stick to that punishment, if I'm having a cute baby girl I don't think he'll have much power seeing as how she'll have him wrapped around her little-EST of fingers.

So My mother and I came up with a mantra: I am done with the morning sickness, I no longer need it.

I said this to myself when I went to bed last night over and over till I fell asleep. I AM done with it. I'm tired of being sick, and I'm totally ready for the glowing, energy filled, constantly needing to pee, having an appetite and gaining weight part of the pregnancy. I'm really ready for the eating. I'm not going to go crazy...I don't want to gain more than 25 pounds.

I here snickering and stifled laughs every time I think that but really I think I can do it....snicker, snicker....hee, hee.

ah shaddup ya nay sayers!!

I'm done with the morning sickness, I no longer need it.
I'm done with the morning sickness, I no longer need it.
et cetera et cetera and so forth.


At 7:32 AM, Blogger soothedbyrainfall said...

Yech..I remember how not fun morning sickness and food aversion was. I don't think I vomited as much as you but I was hungry in a NOT hungry way for a long time and that was extremely annoying.

And then when that was over, came the HEARTBURN FROM HELL.

And look...I had an extremely cute girl baby with a head full of hair. Maybe there is something to the wives tales after all!

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Chloe said...

Don't suppose you could take the Omega-3's rectally?


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