Monday, October 17, 2005

blob, morning sickness and food

I'm enjoying being pregnant so far! Only thing that's holding me back from really enjoying it is the urpy lightheadness, and not being able to think of what I might want to eat. I have to see the food and smell it before I know if I want it or not....sometimes I have to eat it before I decide it's what I want.

The only aversions I've had are Curry and eggs. Any kind of eggs, just the thought of them makes me gag. Ew they are all slippery and jiggly UGH!!!!!

The last time I had eggs, I had them scrambled with cheese as a side order to my chocolate chip pancakes and a little bowl of fruit. I ate all of it accept three grapes. It's weird but I really enjoyed those eggs, cheese eggs and chocolate chip pancakes go very well together.

oh well, one day soon maybe I'll be able to eat eggs again.

Blob seems to be doing fine, I haven't had any complaints as of yet. We'll see blob for the first time on october 27th, that's when we have our first ultrasound!!!! I'm so excited


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