Friday, November 04, 2005

The state of things

Things are going well on the home front. We are very happy...Lately there has been a little drama at work but hopefully that won't be lasting much longer. Even though the drama concerns me more that Travis he's still very interested in how things are going because well....I'm his wife and I'm pregnant with his child....And he loves me of course. He's such a good guy!!!

Besides that, Travis has been doing very well in school. He was just awarded a signed print of one of Paul Hudsons. Signed by Paul Hudson and Buzz Aldren!!!! Paul Hudson is a famous painter (he used to work for NASA) and Travis' teacher in a concept design class. I should probably get him to post a post about this since I don't' know enough about it....I'm just so proud of him and how hard he works!!!!

It's a beautiful print, almost photographic to my untrained eyes. Maybe we can take a picture of it and post it too.

Oh yeah they also gave Travis this neat handheld thingamajig that when you push the little button the top spins around and the little lights light up!!!It's really cool too!!

Yea yea, I know I'm easily amused.

I've been craving nothing but gatorade, Lemonlime flavor for those who want to know. I feel lemonlime is the original of gatorade, I think it's really orange but to me...It's the lemonlime.

lemonlime all the way!!!!!!!


At 9:35 AM, Blogger soothedbyrainfall said...

Remember how mom used to give us lemon lime gatorade when we had a stomach bug? It usually reminds me of puking, but if it works for you then I say "glug, glug!"

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Doah said...

Oh man! Not Drama. I hope those guys aren't giving you a hard time about being pregnant. That happened to me, if you need anyone to vent to.

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Doah said...

OOOOooooh. P.S. I loved Lemon San Pelegrino, especially helped with nausea. Give it a shot.


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