Thursday, October 27, 2005


First ever photos of the famously anticipated baby blob Gentry.
Here in vivid black and white you can see little details like an arm and the heart...which the proud mama and papa saw and heard beating strongly and in a syncopated rhythm to my own BOOM whoosh BOOM whoosh.

I am in awe of my little one and totally in love. Travis and I were ear to ear smiles from the time we saw the little blob.

The top photo is a side view. The white curvy line
is the outline of the heart. And you can see a little bit of the brain cavity near the top, it's the big black circle.

The bottom photo is a full frontal view. On the left you can see a little arm.
Looks like on the right the blob is kicking a bump, that might be the umbilical cord and the placenta..not sure I forgot to ask. Paige says "AmanDUH"

So there you go, all the glory and beauty of our baby is here for you to behold LOL

More pictures to come!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The world almost came to an end!

It looks like the US might get hit by a super hurricane again. The projected path looks like it's going to hit the southern tip of florida the go out into the atlantic....will wilma hit savannah? who knows!!!

SO long as it doesn't interupt mom and dad's visit which is still a month off I'm not worried about it...

I'm still waiting for baby to start demanding it's menu of food. I believe my first craving was the other night, for cheesecake. Yes mom I know I need to watch my weight :). But I would have died unless I ate it, and I felt so much better after I did too!!! My stomach had been upset all day, I was exhausted, and i had absolutely no appetite. Then I thought about a cheese cake I made for dad back when I was in high school. I made a large heart shaped one and there was enough batter to make a bunch of little quiche cup sized ones. The big one ended up tasting discusting but the little ones were really really good!!!

That's what I was thinking of when the craving hit. So I ate cheese cake, and the world was right again.

Monday, October 17, 2005

blob, morning sickness and food

I'm enjoying being pregnant so far! Only thing that's holding me back from really enjoying it is the urpy lightheadness, and not being able to think of what I might want to eat. I have to see the food and smell it before I know if I want it or not....sometimes I have to eat it before I decide it's what I want.

The only aversions I've had are Curry and eggs. Any kind of eggs, just the thought of them makes me gag. Ew they are all slippery and jiggly UGH!!!!!

The last time I had eggs, I had them scrambled with cheese as a side order to my chocolate chip pancakes and a little bowl of fruit. I ate all of it accept three grapes. It's weird but I really enjoyed those eggs, cheese eggs and chocolate chip pancakes go very well together.

oh well, one day soon maybe I'll be able to eat eggs again.

Blob seems to be doing fine, I haven't had any complaints as of yet. We'll see blob for the first time on october 27th, that's when we have our first ultrasound!!!! I'm so excited

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well the first post didn't live up to the name of the blog did it?

Blob is about the size of a sesame seed or a raisin depending on which website you are researching. blob is growing at a furious pace while the placenta and yolk sac are developing and beginning to work.

Blobs favorite song "Me and My Blobby Mcghee"
Blobs favorite tv shows "The Price is Right" hosted by Blob barker and "newhart" starring Blob Newhart.

Blobs favorite movie goes with out saying.

If you have any suggestions as to what might be of interest to Blob post a comment!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Well here goes.....

Yes here goes my attempt to have a fun and witty blog like my sister Paige and her husband Theron.....

You may not think your blog is witty Paige but it is, I'm always smiling or laughing at something you've written, Theron too, it's like you guys have a contest to see who can make me laugh more....even though we haven't seen a post from Theron for a while.

So far not witty...but i'm sick so maybe I'll let myself off this time.
I'll have pictures to add as soon as Travis shows me where they are LOL
More posts later!!