Jacks new achievements!!
Jack cut his first two teeth with in two days of each other, I'd take a picture but he's trying to keep them hidden as best he can. I can feel the sharp little buggers when he's eating and when he grabs my hand and shoves one of my fingers in and chomps down. "Look mommy!! Hard, sharp, poky things in my mouth can you feel? Here I'll bite down harder, SHEEEEE!!!"
OH my little boy is growing up so fast!!!
Also, he's started rocking while in his excersaucer, rocking so hard in fact , he's going places!!! I'll take a video of it and get it posted to the picture site, it's so funny to watch him rockin' out and most times there isn't' any music for him to rock out to!! I guess he's got a song in his heart.....AWWWWWW
OMG I had one of the worst nightmares of my life last night! Jack and I were kidnapped by this weird, scary family. They kept trying to make us part of their family, every time I tried to escape they'd squash it some how. All I kept thinking was getting back to Travis, and how he must be so scared and lonely and how much I missed him. I was so scared they'd hurt Jack and I'd never get away from them.
I woke up and was terrified, I knew it was a dream but it was so real and scary!!! I had to get out of bed and make sure Jack was ok and then I got back into bed and got as close to Travis as I could....Poor guy was on the edge of the bed, then he woke up and I told him I'd had a nightmare.
I felt safe with him next to me though and fell back to sleep quickly. Then I had a dream that I was pregnant again, it was really vivid too. I could feel the baby moving around and grabbed someone's hand so they could feel too!!! It was amazing!
That night mare really affected me though. I don't feel like leaving the house alone with Jack now unless it's to go straight to get Travis from work...I'll get over it though, I'll kick and scream and yell if anyone tries to grab me or Jack.... I'll kill anyone who tries to grab Jack, I wouldn't be remorseful either. Touch my child without my permission and I kiwll ewe!!
LOL wow I can be dark sometimes can't I? Oh well it's all for my little boy who is growing up so fast!! He's such a good boy too!!