Friday, January 06, 2006

Sorry folks!

Much to the sha-grin of some family members the names they suggested weren't used. I've got to admit some of them were very catchy!! Alas it was very hard to select the name we did.....

We had the obligatory "name it after one the patriarchs" suggestions.
Then we had the Aunts and Uncles weighing in on names they liked:

Way (first name) Cool (middle name). Way Cool Gentry?....Really how cool is that!!! But our kid might be a nerd, couldn't risk that.

Grandma J says it's a classic name....Not usual. I think she was wondering where the "Ladd" was.
Grandpa J wonders why we went for Jack instead of Jackson....It's a bit too Steel magnolias.
Aunt Paige says spell his name Jacques as a nod to his Cajun background......I don't know if that's coonass enough??
What do you all think?

(those of you who might be offended by the Coonass remark, I have permission from all the family to consider myself coonass, so it's not a derogatory remark ;) )

Might be too close to the oddly spelled uniquely named kids of today can anyone remember lemonjello?....ANYWAY

The way we came up with his name was simple, we had the hardest time deciding on any boys names, the names I liked were all to "froo froo-y" as Travis likes to say. All of his recommendations I couldn't take seriously. So the one name we both agreed on stuck.
(Is Sirius froo froo-y? Really?) and (Plexico? You've got to be joking!)
Then we started playing around with the middle names, Ladd and any others. Again it's what stuck.

My only rule was that one of our kids has to have Ladd as the middle name. We decided that since we didn't give Jack this monicker, our next will be dubbed Ladd which ever it may be boy or girl. Jack Ladd Gentry does sound nice though....Jack Robert Gentry sounds better.

I was informed by one of my cousins that Jack was not a name they had picked out for their next little one, so good for us...Otherwise they would have demanded we change our little boys name ; ) Phew! Good thing too cause we couldn't really have a Sirius Plexico Gentry running around.

Members from all sides of the family would hunt us down and shoot us!!


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