Sunday, December 18, 2005

Warning!!! possible TMI

My nipples have been sore and flaky. Not so much flaky that was only once......ANYWAY

They are mostly sore and itchy. When I go to scratch the itch, it hurts.

So does anyone have any suggestions for how I should care for my nipples?
Is there something I should do to be preparing my nipps for breastfeeding?
yes I said(typed) nipps.

I've looked online and none of the websites I visit say anything about it....So any info anyone has will be appreciated.


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Chloe said...

I've heard good things about cocoa butter, but run it by a doctor or a mother first.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger soothedbyrainfall said...

Whatever you do DON'T "prepare" them with a rough washcloth or the like. It used to be thought that a woman should "toughen" her nipples in order to prepare them for nursing. Not only is it completely uneccesary, it hurts like the dickens. The soreness will pass after a bit by itself. As for the flakiness, it might be a bit of premilk starting to seep out. I had that and it wasn't so much flaky as...erm...goober-y.

(And yes I know this from personal experience. I'd followed the advice from a well-meaning source a couple of times before I read that it was no longer recommended.)

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Manda said...

Thanks paige!! this is deffinitely flakey though. I think it's dry skin flaking off, haven't had the goobery stuff yet.


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