King Kong and crying
So I've noticed in the last few days, that I've cried atleast once every day. Of course I cried when my parents left to go home, I always cry when we separate. I cried again the next day because of a commercial. Then one day I was freaking out about something I don't remember.
We went over to Jessica's apartment to celebrate her engagement to Matt, on Monday, and we watched the original KING KONG. It was hokey and the effects weren't that great by today's standards but very good for the time. I was think it would be funny to watch. But when it got to the part when they shoot him on top of the Empire state building, I was balling.
Just boo hoo-ing!!! I couldn't help it.
There's no way I'm going to see the remake, everytime I see the trailers on TV for it I start to cry.
And just now I wrote the previous post. I was crying that whole time. I know it's due to the hormones, but jeez!!! Oh well, I'm just a basketcase.
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