Ok what's this all about?
I been burping ever since I ate this morning. No not heartburn, not acid indigestion. Just burping. Regular burps, juice burps, burps that taste like something I ate 10 hours ago. What's this all about? I've taken rolaids soft chew (they are good!!) and all they do is make it easier to burp....
((I forgot to mention in my delirium of baby happiness, that while we were in Houston we were unable to see our friend Suz. Hey Suz! Sorry we didn't get see you while we were there. I never got your email, and the only phone number I had for you was for the studio and I wasn't sure you still worked there. I couldn't remember which museum you worked at either. I'm so sorry!!!! Maybe you could make it out for my baby shower? I don't' know when it is yet but Jessica is planning it so I'll let her know I want you to be invited. I'm thinking sometime in March or February....Again I don't know exactly.....ANYWAY I love you and I really did want to see you...As it was I was sick for the last couple of days we were there, I just took it easy.))
THAT's another thing!!!! Why am I still throwing up? Mind you, I'm not throwing up multiple times a day but every couple of days I'm throwing up!! Isn't this supposed to be over now? I still have days where I don't want to eat anything, and if I do I feel horrible afterward until I throw up!!! ARG!! I always feel better after though, atleast better than I felt before I threw up.....I feel better most of the time now. I have many more days where I don't feel sick at all, so that's cool!
Perhaps the lack of heartburn, or acid indigestion indicates that our baby will be bald at birth, or just a peach fuzzy baby? Just an old wives tale? You tell me. It's late I'm tired and I keep burping, maybe if I go to bed it'll stop? Maybe it'll get worse..Who knows
today's over...2 days till we find whether cosmo is a boy or girl HEE HEE
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