Sunday, January 08, 2006

Further suggestions for Jacks name

Another suggestion from Uncle Lee, infamous suggester of Way Cool Gentry, gave me a girls name that I couldn't remember till I found the napkin I wrote everyone's suggestion on at Cajun Charlies this past Boxing day (it's a Canadian holiday, the day after Christmas).

This time his suggestion was a girls name, Rickina Lee. Then the conversation turned to girls names all around the table....

Granny Donna said she liked the name Pippa for a girl.

She also said she like Plexico. The story behind Plexico, so you all don't think we're crazy....There is a football player named Plaxico Burres, and just thru joking conversation Granny D said she thought we should name our son Plaxico if we ever had one (this was before we got pregnant) His mom laughed and said that was a great name!!! Travis later mentioned it to me, and I said it sounded like a mouthwash. A few minutes later Travis says "What about Plexico?" I waited a minute wondering if this was a joke or if he really liked the name, then said "Sounds like a gas station chain."
He was joking.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, we'll save 'em up for the next one whenever they grace our presence!!


At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OKAY where are the pictures?? I wanta see this tallywacker for myself!


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