Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Latest Doctors visit results

Everything is going great!! We got to the doctors office 15 minutes early for my appointment and waited about 45 minutes to be seen. We passed the time reading articles in magazines about how to raise your kids and what-not.

We were called back and I went into the bathroom to make my donation to the golden fluid collection agency. Then went out and did the scale thing and the blood pressure thing. The scale said I now weigh 154 lbs (sans shoes) the sphygmomanometer (blood pressure thingy) said my blood pressure was right where it should be as well. I forget the numbers something like 118 over 60....I asked the nurse how much weight I'd gained so far and she said that when I came to them in November I weighed 129 lbs...

Course I had been throwing up almost constantly at that point so I gauge my weight gain by my usual weight before I got pregnant which was almost constant at 136. So If I go by that, I've gained 18 pounds, if I go by the 129 I've gain 25.....I don't want to gain much more than 25 pounds so I'm gonna stick with the 18 ;)

Just today I had three people tell me I look like I'm about to pop. Once we post the pictures of my seventh month you be the judge. I told everyone who made that comment just imagine how big I'll be in about two months!!! You think I'm gonna pop now, I guess I'll be about ready to explode with the force of an A bomb by then LOL

Girls at work asked about the status of my belly button. I showed them it's still an innie and explained it will probably remain so, it'll just get tighter and tighter. We'll see though, I used to be able to stick my finger into my belly button just passed the first joint now I just get the tip in there, not quite a centimeter deep.

The few questions I had for the doctor were answered rather quickly. He seemed to be in a rush, poor guy, but he explained things so that Travis and I were both sure that what I was experiencing was normal. I asked him about the muscle aches and joint aches, he said that those complaints as well as trouble sleeping and fatigue are all normal for this part of the pregnancy. He said that they may not be constant right now but they will get more so as the pregnancy progresses. Greeeaaattt. He said if I get a fever though to call in.

He asked if I had any cramping and was still getting Braxton-Hicks contractions and I said I have had a wee bit of cramping but not so much that it concerned me and the Braxton-Hicks seemed to have let up a bit. Again he said if either of those gets worse to call in.

He said it's getting closer and closer time to deliver and to watch for any signs. Travis and I were both in there while the doctor was discussing things I might be experiencing. He nodded along with things the doctor was saying about my sleeping problems and the need to take care of myself.

Travis has been so awesome with the whole process, he's missed one appointment, but it was the sugar test and I didn't know how long I'd be there. The next two appointments are just routine visits which I'll be there for as long as it takes to pee, weight, squeeze, measure, ask questions and get answers.

He'll be there for every ultrasound, cause we love seeing our little guy on the screen. We both were a bit disappointed we didn't get one today but we have an appointment for the next one which won't be till May 10th.

So seeing as how I've only gained four pounds since my last visit three weeks ago I don't feel guilty for the icecream I've been eating from time to time. In fact I may have some before I go into work tonight!!!

Don't worry I'm not going overboard, I'm sticking to the serving suggestions and I've started doing my prenatal yoga, which is hard and seems to be kicking my butt but I know it's a good thing to do.

Anyway that's all for now...Hopefully we'll get those belly shots taken and posted soon!!


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great hon...right on target! OB's are ALWAYS busy Dr.s so don't feel let done when he seems rushed. I am glad your comfortable with him. Love you LOTS!


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