Irritable what?
Had another appointment today. Nothing much to report.
I've gained about 27 pounds for the whole pregnancy so far, it all seems to be baby though LOL as everyone says I look great!!
I've got a few more stretch marks though, my belly button is stretched almost to bursting. Still not poking out though, just getting shallower and shallower.
Jack, as everyone I think will find out, is quite a joker. He likes to give our sonographer a hard time, most of the time he would show her his back, or hide his face with his hands so she'd have to see us a bit more often so she could make sure everything was ok with him. He's been like this the whole pregnancy!!!
We went in today for our last ultrasound. He's so squished in there, and so low that it's hard to get a good look at his face but that's not really necessary now. No, the important things are his femur, his head, his abdomen and his heart. We could find his heart and kidneys ok.
They check the length of the femur, the circumference of the head and abdomen and the machine does this calculation that estimates the size of the baby. Last time they guessed he weighed 5 lbs 13 oz, this time they guessed 6 lbs 2 oz. It's been two weeks since the last ultrasound and he should have put on more weight then that.
Back to Jack being a joker. The sonographer said not to worry it's hard to get a good measurement when they are that squished in there, but I know he's capable of moving a bit more they he would for her, I've felt him do it.... Little stinker!
So I start thinking about how I've lost my appetite lately (I've still be eating don't worry) and wondering if I'm to blame for him being a bit small...Then I tell myself, Nah he's just decided he's going to take it easy on me labor wise! Travis said he told Jack to do just that, "take it easy on your mama." They have these discussions when I'm out of the room or sleeping...sleeping mostly.
So besides the uncertainty of his size everything else checks out great! My amniotic fluid looks good, the Doppler indicates he's getting a good flow from the placenta. I'm dilated a centimeter and a half, and thinned out a bit more.
In my last post I explained that was having contractions. They weren't anything like I thought they'd be.....They weren't labor contractions but they hurt. Anyway I explained how they felt to the doctor today: I have pain and tightness and pressure really low, that feels like menstrual cramps...Like Jack has some how fashioned a shive and is trying to dig his way out... That lasts for about 6 seconds (that's right I counted them) and then once that let up, I'd have a huge braxton-hicks across the top of my belly...That felt like that part of me had turned to stone. This would happen back and forth. He said "it sounds like you've got an irritable uterus." Of course it's irritated I'm sure it's not happy, what with the stretching and the pushing and the kicking.
Dr. Jackson said that was normal it was just my body bringing Jack down and thinning out my cervix in a slow way. Which just confirmed what I had been thinking it was doing anyway. So the more I dilate and thin out now, the less I'll be doing it in labor...Shorter labor, less pain!!!!
I hope.
It's normal for your apetite to wane towards the end of your pregnancy since your stomach is getting compressed by the uterus and can't hold as much food as before.
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