Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Baby news

I started having contractions last Saturday. Nothing much has happened yet, I have dilated a wee bit more and Jack is a bit lower. I've been having contractions on and off the whole week so far. Sometimes they are a bit painful other times not at all. Every time I sigh or groan or giggle or anything Travis looks at me and says "Are you having a contraction?"

The other night, I had something funny happen that I thought would make Travis cringe....He's got a fear of spiders.....I was sitting in my lovely new gliding rocker and reading a book. I've been blessed with quite a bit of cleavage and my shirts are straining to contain the boobage. So I'm sitting there reading my book, and a spider drops from the ceiling and into my cleavage!!!

I started giggling because it tickled and I knew once I told Travis what my problem was (I started taking my shirt and bra off) that he'd freak out a little bit. Well I didn't know, he thought my water broke or I was going into labor.......I think he was disappointed when I told him there was a spider in my shirt.

He tells me today not to hesitate walking around or "eating eggplant or whatever" to induce labor....Cause he wants to get out of class!!! Every day he says "Today could be the day!!!"

Our friends Kevin and Lisa have been keeping their cell phone by the bed at night in case I go into labor....

Everyone is so excited and anxious for little Jacks arrival!!! I am too but the closer I get to going into labor the more I think about how I'm going to miss feeling him move around in his cramped quarters....I'm silly.

Anyway, that's all for now!!


At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are anxiously awaiting that phone call too! Come on Jack!! :-)

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how big are they expecting the baby to be? YOu don't really look that big by the pictures.

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Manda said...

At my last ultrasound the tech said he was measuring 5lbs 13 oz...but she could be off by 2 pounds.

Not that I know what I'm talking about really, he doesn't feel much bigger then 6 or 6 and a half pounds right now.

Our next ultrasound is on Monday. We'll see what they say then....if Jack hasn't made his debut yet.

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how much have you gained to date? Not much doesnt look like.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Manda said...

Well before I got pregnant my average weight was 136 lbs. this last visit I weighed 161 lbs, so that's a gain of 25 lbs. Just had another appointment and I'm up to 163 lbs.


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