Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Early Childhood Memories

Last night as Travis and I were settling into bed to go to sleep, we started talking about memories. We wondered why people don't remember more about being in the womb...Aside from the obvious there's not much to remember....I think some people do remember, sometimes.

Anyway, that was silly but we tend to get a bit silly when we are tired. Then we started talking about early childhood memories like when we were 2,3,4 and so on. I said I had a memory from when I was 18 months old (correct me if I'm wrong mom) about the fourth of July at one of my grandparents' neighbors houses'....Mom told me that was when I was 18 months old.

Then Travis got quiet, he usually falls asleep within seconds to minutes of his head hitting the pillow....Lucky guy....I stretched my mind back to some early memories cause it usually takes me forever to fall asleep.

I remember lots of stuff that don't really mean anything and a few things that mean a lot, atleast to me.

I remember sitting on the front lawn of our house on Judd Avenue, I remember there being a cat carrier, and I remember looking at the raised rectagular areas on the top. I assume those are there for stacking, but at the time I thought they were the perfect spot to hold a drink!!

At the same house I remember coming home and being greeted by our pet guinea pigs' bweeep bweeep coming from upstairs. I remember building sheet tents in Paiges' purple bedroom, I remember one time there was a thunderstorm and I told Mom and Paige what I though caused thunder (a big rock rolling down a hill near by, even there were no hills near by) and Mom told me what actually caused it. And I remember stepping on a rusty nail while running around barefoot at a neighbors house, then going home and sitting on the toilet while Mom looked me over and decided we'd better go to get a tetanus shot....I remember her being angry about me running around barefoot :/ sorry bout that.

I remember being at the YMCA once swimming, I got out of the pool and climbed up on a life guard tower that was no longer used. I apparently annoyed a wasp, which then chased me back into the pool. Mom was there she saw the whole thing!! I got back out after a very short time but the wasp was still chasing me, I hopped back into the pool, the shallow end and swam under the water a ways. Popped up for air and the wasp stung me!! Like it was waiting for me!

ooh it hurt bad too! Worst wasp sting ever, I'd say.

I got out and went to my mom who wrapped me in her arms and consoled me, told me she watched that wasp chase me the whole way too. I loved that, being in my moms arms, her hugging me and telling me I'd be fine.

I didn't like that wasp though, I remember what it looked like still today!!
So black it was blue!!! I don't remember how old I was when that happened though.

I remember living on Shoshone Trail. I was a gullible child and two "friends" I had in the neighborhood were very manipulative, got me into a lot of trouble. One of them wanted to go down to the creek, which I wasn't allowed to do by myself, I told her this of course but she said she wouldn't be my friend anymore if I didn't go with her. I couldn't have that!!! So I went.

Don't remember what we did there, probably just threw rocks in the creek. But when I went back home I saw my dad sitting in the doorway waiting for me. I knew what was coming...I started crying, not because of what was to come but because I knew I deserved it. I walked up the wooden stairs and laid across my dads lap, he didn't even have to say anything to me.

I think he asked me after where I had gone, and then asked me why I got a spanking. I said it was because I went to the creek with Brook (that's funny isn't it LOL) and I wasn't supposed to, and Dad said "you made us worry about you, we didn't' know where you were." I felt terrible, told him about how Brook wouldn't be my friend if I didn't' go with her and he said well she isn't a good friend then is she......."Nooo oh ooooooooo" I tearfully replied.


I've got lots of memories from my early childhood. It was neat thinking about them last night. But best of all lots of them included my Mom Dad and sister......And not like I had forgotten this but remembering all those things made me think about how much I love all of them!
Funny how that works isn't it?



At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do remember the WASP in going after you at the Blue Springs pool but you didn't climb UP ON the life guard stand..just the bottom rung and you were told to get away from there Yopu had to be 5 that year...LOL the 4th of July party at Costers in DC you had to be almost 20 months since your B'day is September! I can remember some things from when I was under two also and have many memories of being a youngster. Its fun to look back sometimes. ;o)

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a music therapy class, we were told to think about the earliest song we remember hearing. I thought about one, then thought about another. "Oh the itty bitty patter of little bitty feet gonna pitty pitty patter in our house (our house!)"

I can remember toddling over to where my folks kept the records, taking it down and making them play it.

Later, I told mom and dad about it and they just sat there. Dad finally said, "You really remember that?" I said, "Yes." Come to find out, he had bought that record for my mom when he found out she was pregnant with me and they played it all the time. So it was the first song I heard! I just remember toddling over and making them play it. :)


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