Saturday, September 02, 2006

Jacks first ever really real laugh!!!

Ok this was so totally awesome!!! Today is the first day of the long weekend of labor day, Travis was on the computer working on a contest and Jack and I were sitting on the couch watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Travis decided to take a break, and as I'd seen the movie and read the book about a million times I sat Jack on the edge of the futon and was showing him the little dog on his excersaucer. It's a little clown dog on a squiggly wire that you can bend back and then let go and it springs back. It's hard to explain but you kind of get the picture......

So Travis sat down next to the excersaucer on the floor and pulled the dog back and let it go and made a "sproing yoing yoing" noise and Jack laughed!!! A really real laugh! Not just the little squeak of a laugh he was doing before (which was and still is very cute), but a real little giggle that lasted 5-10 seconds over a couple minutes every time Travis pulled and let go of the dog and made the noise....

It was totally awesome and it is now our mission to make him laugh like that every day!!! We are going to try to catch him laughing on our super awesome digi camera that allows us to make mini movies.....It's out of batteries right now. Travis also wanted me to mention we have styled Jacks hair in a Mohawk today and it looks super cute!!! We'll get a picture of that too!!!

And don't you know every time he laughed it made us laugh, course this isn't major news but it made me cry....I cry at everything, silly me......What a beautiful noise, I hope we hear it often!!


At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the laugh of a baby is such a wonderful thing. I love to hear a little one's belly laugh. Yes, make him laugh several times a day! You will be rewarded many times over!

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't WAIT to see him laugh!


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